Recently got my hands on this and looking to sell it for TF2/Dota 2 keys, but also looking for offers! The least I've seen it for is $15 Paypal, or about 7 TF2 keys, I'm selling for less than that.

This is a key, so I'm willing to go first, if you have good rep.

The game:

I'm also looking for the following things:

Half-Minute Hero

Kingdom Rush

Castle Crashers

Games with Trading Cards

Trading Cards

TF2 items

If you have any of these things, let me know, and maybe we can work something out.

1 decade ago*

I have a half minute hero key and a kingdom rush key, plus more games here and TF2 items here. anything(s) you're interested in??

1 decade ago

Yup, there were a few things I was interested in. I've added you to discuss.

1 decade ago

EDIT: Issue Resolved

readding you because of an issue with the key

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.