I'm trading 40 cards for 1 key (TF2, CS:GO or Dota2)

Trade offer here

9 years ago*

the cards you have are the cheapest ones in the market, if you have cards worth 10c and above, gimme a knock, ill be happy to trade 40 of those for a key, as for the ones you have, gl trying to find someone who will take em

9 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

9 years ago

Their value is almost the same as a key (about 10c diff). You want to sell them and make profit on top of the % that steam gets? the price is related to the one that you would pay if you were going to buy these cards from the market, and not the one that you would profit for selling them. I want to trade this with someone who is interested in cards, not interested in selling them to make money.

edit: already traded

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.