I have...

Paypal EUR

I want...

TF2 Keys for 1,50€ each

My steamtrades profile: https://www.steamtrades.com/user/76561198007845268
My steam profile:https://steamcommunity.com/id/purplz/

I have a public 10+ year old profile with more than 200 games in my library
You can verify if you're actually dealing with me by simply going to my steamtrades profile and clicking on the steam button.

4 years ago

In case you don't get a better offer, I can sell TF2 keys for 1,60€ each key.

4 years ago

How many you have? :)

4 years ago

I have 37 but since I want to keep a few to trade for games, I'd trade 10 TF2 keys. Of course I can trade less than 10 if you want less.

4 years ago*

I can take the 37 for 1.5€ each or 10 for 1.55 if you don't mind :)

4 years ago

Let me think about your offer for 10 keys.

4 years ago

Np ^^ thanks man

4 years ago

Hi! Since the price of the TF2 keys is rising, I want to trade my keys for 1.60€ each key.

I will understand if you aren't agree with my price. If you change your mind let me know.

4 years ago

Sure, i'll think about it. thanks

4 years ago

Hey ! If you are still willing to offer 1.55 euro for 10 tf2 keys, drop me message on steam. I've got a friend in EU whom I need to send some paypal :D

4 years ago

Sure my bro, i'll send u a PM.

4 years ago

Closed 3 years ago.