Game's currently in alpha phase. Redeemable on steam. I can buy the preorder/early access which gives me two games and then trade the second one for 6 TF2 keys.

We both get the game for less than 12 bucks when the game's full price is going to be $20 AND we both get instant access to the game right now (Keys give me $1.70 if sold, that's why I'm asking 6 of them, to get back half of my money. Besides I'm the one using his limited paypal funds).

I can also buy the soundtrack edition if you want but you'll need to add 1 TF2 key.

1 decade ago*

5 won't do? I assumed it's a fair price. The one without soundtrack of course heh.

1 decade ago

You know what? You're right. I made some miscalculations based on key prices from a week ago. I'll take 5 TF2 keys since it's a fair price for the basic version (17 bucks). Add me and I'll buy the game.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.