There is amazing deal on amazon.com . GTA 4 + Max Payne 3 Bundle for only 25$. Unfortunately it is only for the US citizens and I am from Europe.
That's why I am looking for someone that can help me with it. I'll send you 25$ through paypal and after succesful trade I will give you all my TF2 items as a thanks.

Link for this deal is here http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00904XVS0/?tag=cheapassgam08-20

1 decade ago*

Mate, your items are trash and you only have 15. This isn't gonna happen.

1 decade ago

I don't want to trade my items for MP3... Just give'em as a thanks. I'll pay for MP3 Bundle, I can't just buy it directly on amazon.

1 decade ago

You can make a US account no problem even if you ain't in the States. The thing is the payment. I do have US amazon gift cards if you wanna go that route.

1 decade ago

So are you looking for the bundle or just the Max Payne part of it?

1 decade ago

if u give me the usd equalivant of 25 euro's i'd do this.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.