Recently 1 guy got scammed by someone using my name, scammer gave him my steamtrades profile as a proof for rep i.e case of impersonation

I have made a ticket in the support ( domain) 1 WEEK ago regarding help and have had no response yet. For those of you who want to read the ticket I can post it here if it helps.

P.S The guy who got scammed has a chat copy my impersonator made with him (which I tried to explain to him certainly doesn't show up in the chat box when I first contacted the -ve repper) but NO links to his steam profile.

So he thinks i'm the scammer and is unwilling to remove the -ve feedback

I also have revenge -ve reps on my profile by scammers. WHAT TO DO?

How long until I can get them punishment ?

The process is so slow

1 decade ago*

lol. ok no, good luck mate. Here is a bump!!

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.