I have...

The number behind the game is the amount of Two worlds, Two worlds II, and Two Worlds II Castle Defense cards I'm looking to get for them. I need most foils as well. The cards I still need, and the amount I need of each are in the wants section.


I want...

Two Worlds Epic Edition
Zombie - 3
Whitehead - 1
Skeleton - 1
Reaper - 2
Mantis - 3
Kyra - 3
Hell Master - 2
Dwarf dragon - 2
Dwarf - 1
Demon - 2

Two worlds 2
Gandohar - 1
Scythe - 1

Two worlds 2 Castle Defense
Rogdor - 2
Palace guard - 1
Mummy - 1
Orc warrior - 5
Scorpion - 3
Varn - 3

1 year ago*

I have the cards you're looking for. I'll trade for Soulblight and SWINE HD Remaster. Possibly more. Added you on Steam.

1 year ago

Sure, messaged you back

1 year ago

Closed 1 year ago.