Hi, i have key for game The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, i don't like this game then i wanna to trade ^^

Xcom declassified- 9 keys,

BTW. I search borderlands 2, Deus ex human revolution and sleeping dogs.

1 decade ago*

Added to talk

1 decade ago

sleeping dogs(key)

1 decade ago

Haha oh god, I really had a good laugh at this! Elektroo nearly got scammed by someone impersonating someone else, after being 'found out' he started to impersonate Zoreslav, and now Zoreslav actually wants to do a legit trade with Elektroo!

Luckily I did not open up my can of beer yet, otherwise it would have been all over my screen. ^^

Small world with the trading. And free bump!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.