Hello everyone.

I would like to trade tf2 keys for PSN [UK] region codes only.
I have almost 1000 h of trading in my tf2 stats, pretty a lot positive rep on my profile page.
Got about 200 keys so i would like to get all kind of offers on psn cards like psn+ and wallet codes.

If you would love to trade, you will need to go first and after that I will give you the ammount of keys which you wanted.
So don't be afraid and please add me if interested. Ty for reading :)

1 decade ago*

Have some PSN+ 1 Month Membership Codes, made some copy/paste from the describtion from my Thread, let me know if you are interested or have any questions

1 decade ago

How much would you charge for psn+ 1 month code ?
Thanks for writing but I'm more interested in wallet codes right now.

1 decade ago

Would do 2 codes for 1 key, sorry didn't copy /paste the Text, just follow my Link above to see how the codes work.

1 decade ago

Sweet will keep you in mind. When my psn+ ends I may buy one from you.

1 decade ago

5 keys for a 5 GBP wallet code

1 decade ago

Still selling keys? I don't have any PSN credit but would be able to pay cash/Paypal for them.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.