have 3 copies right now.

  • 3 each copy.
  • 5 for 2 copies.
  • 7 for 3 copies.

im not interested in any other thing. please do not offer less, this is my minimum price. add me only if you agree.

1 decade ago*

you can only have 2 topic open at the same time ...

1 decade ago

it says "Only post one thread regarding your offer, no duplicate threads."

those are different threads, there are no dupe or smth.

1 decade ago

In the spams suspentions topic:

Aren't you all fed up with sights like this becoming more and more common? So am I. Therefore, this is a warning. Do not open or leave open more than two trading threads at once, especially for the same thing. Do not "invisibly" bump your thread every two minutes. I have begun suspending and I am not giving you just a light slap on the wrist for this amount of spam. Now, I'm more of an SG mod, I'm not good with STrades, so, please, feel free to point me towards anyone who needs it, preferably with evidence. Might as well use this thread for it. This is going to stop.

But i can be wrong ...

1 decade ago

but again, they aren't the same thing. one of them is for my inventory, one of them for keys. they are totally different. and this one for only gmod. when the trade done, this will be closed, unlike others.
i dont see anything wrong. but thanks for info. btw, if you want to snitch me out, feel free to do it, i have nothing to do :/

1 decade ago

i was just saying ... i think the limit is 2 , but for me is the same you have 2 or 3

1 decade ago

my house for it?

1 decade ago

Willing to trade 3 dota key's for 1 copy of GM add me

1 decade ago

You can only have 2 open threads at the same time.

1 decade ago

again? ffs. yea im gonna close this one. because it annoys all the people. you are really really weird. those 3 threads are far far different from each other but all of you are just.. meh, no need to explain anymore.

done, OK?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.