I have...

Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

I want...

gems (for total gems cost go to find SoG price, then find the cheapest price for the game, then divide by 2 for games with a gem cost of below 10k to begin with, divide by 3 if its over 10k and thats the gem price, ill put some prices lower in desc but they may be over priced as SoG prices change every now and then)

anything else i may find valuable

Gem Costs (current SoG is 21 cents usd each)
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game = 3,071 gems
if you think any prices are unfair/overpriced then friend me on steam, im willing to negotiate

youd be suprised how quickly they sell

5 years ago*

hi, added you for these games in hb gift links:

Crusader Kings II (with old gods dlc)
Age of wonders II: The Wizard's Throne


5 years ago*

Closed 5 years ago.