Read Everything before commenting.

I have the Ship on steam (the game comes with The Ship: Murder Party and The Ship: Single Player). It is a gift, but currently untradable. I am able to gift it to any friends though, so this will be the way I will be doing the trade. If you have a very high feedback rating or high steam level, I can go first. Otherwise you will go first, then I will gift the game to you through steam.

First I need offers, so leave whatever you would want to pay for it here in the comments. I expect to sell this for less than the typical price due to the fact that this is untradable and I have to gift it to you. I will take any items/metal offers from TF2, any card offers, any game offers, or any mixture of whats been stated. Thanks for looking.

9 years ago*


9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.