I have...

Black Ops 3 - Steam
GTA V - Retail

I want...

Rocket League

Add me :~)

8 years ago

You want a Speedrunners for a GTA V or Black OPS 3 .....?

8 years ago

I'd prefer if you have both, but feel free to add me.

8 years ago

Look I really want to believe you. But I am a grown man... with a fully functioning brain... that can read. All your past trades are visible to everyone you know. I can clearly see where you claim to have paid with your own money for these games. So by simple logic one has to wonder why you knowing EXACTLY how much it costs would want 2 other games that are cheaper by quite a lot.

Considering you have negative rep from a 200+ rep user and your responses to him about it. One has to be incredibly gullible to fall for such a pretty obvious trap.

And I very much sincerely doubt you will go first. I am sure you will dictate a bunch of reasons or excuses as to why you wouldn't go first. So I am afraid I will have to pass.

Just a friendly advice....Excessive scamming has caused some to lose their entire steam accounts and all related accounts with it. Tracing them through IP is fairly easy once Valve support starts digging through records. Any ways. If I am wrong I profusely apologize. But considering the whole situation and circumstances....I think its safe to assume to worst.

8 years ago

Upvoted favorited liked and subscribed.

8 years ago

Just something to consider. Not really sure what your comment means btw but I will dwell upon it :)

8 years ago

Wow. Sir, this is the most sincere warning I have ever seen. Just wanted to say I appreciate your effort for putting this.

8 years ago

I am fairly active on this site and tend to err on the safe side and speak my mind. I have a discussions post as well about the dangers of Account Trading as well. Just pass it forward. This community is very tight knit and scams never last long or for much. Most end up banned or suspended fairly quickly.

A lot of it is just common sense. If you act under the assumption that someone is trying to trick you. You will almost never be tricked.

8 years ago

I have Rocket League for 5 csgo keys

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.