I have 2 tradeable Dota 2 gifts. Offer meh!

What I [W]ant:

Add Me!

Note #1: I will not accept keys unless they are for myself. :O
Note #2: I am not looking for game accounts, Desura games, or TF2 items. :]
Note #3: Always check my inventory. It's constantly changing, and I may not have updated it on here. :P
Note #4: I'm able to buy your games as needed, as long as you PayPal me the money. All I ask in return is rep! :D
Note #5: If you're feeling unsure about keys, we can always use a middleman. :b
Note #6: If you've traded with me, please add a Positive rep on my SteamTrades profile!

1 decade ago*

Added moar dotaz!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.