I have...

Dota 2:
Some items from my inventory (Dota 2 and Tradingcards). All cards except bioshock and portal 2, some Dota2 items, except the really expensive ones >0,3$ and some cool stuff for heros i like. If interested, just add me and we discuss which items you want.
Dota Inventory
Community Inventory

Games (gift):
Tropico 4 Collectors Bundle (cards) 0.5 keys
"Particula" (cards) (3-pack) 0.5 keys
"Particula" (cards) (3-pack opening, giving the 2 copies back to me, or tradable single copie or untradable single copy. If you dont care i prefer opening 3-pack, then the untradable copy.)
Rest of my giftinventory as normal bundle game.

Racer 8
"A Valley Without Wind" (cards)
"Battlepaths" (cards)
"Canyon Capers" (cards)
"Chip" (cards)
"Clickr" (cards)
"Crash Time II"
"Dead Bits" (cards)
"Pid "
"Post Apocalyptic Mayhem" (cards)
"QuestRun" (cards)
"RADical ROACH Deluxe Edition" (cards)
"Rabbit Hole 3D: Steam Edition" (cards)
"Rooms: The Main Building" (cards)
"Rush Bros" (cards)
"Shattered Haven"
"Sinister City" (cards)
"Space Hack"
"Speedball 2 HD" (cards)
"Tower Wars" (cards)
"Victim of Xen" (cards)

I want...

If there is a price in keys i want:
tf keys
0.5 keys = 1 ToD = 3-4 games

For games I want:
ANY game with tradingcards, not in my library. Searching mainly for really cheap bundle games.
I may accept gifts of games i already have.

Games I am looking for (and trading for more, higher prices, but looking only for good offers, since i have enough to play till the games are on sale):
Binding of issac rebirth
Legend of Korra
Dragonball Xenoverse
Final Fantasy VII+VIII
Dark Souls I+II
Goat Simulator

CURRENTLY NOT ACCEPTING CARDS OR REF I also accept cards (added value without fees around 0.30$ (10x0.05 or 3x0.12 with fees, for example) for one game, above 1.1$ for 0.5 key)

The Particular 3-pack (if you want to keep the 2 copies) counts as 3 games. And the Tropico 4 CE as 2.
For the rest i prefer trading game vs game.

If you want to get or sell items (dota 2, cards, etc.) just throw an offer.
If you don't filter the games you offer (only linking to your thread), please make sure the list is near plainText for easy automated comparison. That means only one Game per row and only the title steam shows if you go to the shop-page. If its to hard for me to look over your list I will ignore the offer.

To make that clear again. I give away any 3 (maybe even 4) of my games (besides Particular 3-pack and Tropico 4) for 0.5 keys. But I definitly prefer trading 1 vs 1. If you want keys/cards for your games, dont exspect much more.

Please write here before adding me, if your steamLevel is under 5. Requests of higher Levels will be accepted, but write here as well.

9 years ago*

added for the Compendium

9 years ago

thank you for the trade

9 years ago

squirreltopia + domestic dog simulator for dead bits+ vanguard princess?

9 years ago

sounds good, added you., thanks for the trade

9 years ago*

are you intrested in anything from here?

9 years ago

Not in your games, since I have most of them and the few remaining dont have tradingcards ;->
But as i mentioned above, i also take tradingcards.
added value without fees around 0.30$ (10x0.05 or 3x0.12 with fees, for example) per game.
Cards from "Bioshock Infinite, Portal 2 and Metro Last Light" are valued a bit more for me, since i am looking forward to the badge.

Edit: Thank you for the trade. cleaned up my list pretty well.

9 years ago*

added to disscus

9 years ago

Anything from my list for dota items?

9 years ago

interested in
Mutant Mudds Deluxe
But it really depends on which items you want. Definetly dont trade the expensive stuff (Wyvernguard or the portal stuff) since i bought them. Sandking, Weaver, Axe, and some cool loocking items are not for sale.
Just add me and throw me an tradeoffer with all the items you want, then i can tell you what I'll give you for the two games.

Regards KlappPc

9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.