I have...

Payday 2 Row gift, not tradable yet

I want...

3 TF2/CSGO Keys
Offers (for example, Don't Starve Together)

Feel free to make any offer, but take into account that I will probably reject it if I know I can get it for 2 keys or less.

Write here before adding me.

8 years ago

[w] payday 2 row gift
[h] gifts http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/TsPC6/

8 years ago

Some of them interest me. What about Counter Strike: Global - Offensive?

8 years ago

no sorry, however, i could definately let go one of the followings games: dead island franchise, thief master edition

8 years ago

I already have a copy of Thief (regular edition though). Let me think about dead island: I'm going to eat right now, I'll give you an answer about dead island when I return.

Edit: I'll take dead island collection, I'll add you later.

8 years ago*

Closed 8 years ago.