I have...

I have money in my steam wallet I'll buy you games you want cheaper then the steam price

I want...

Keys or PayPal

7 years ago

how much wallet?

7 years ago

I have $400

7 years ago

can you show a pic with it?

7 years ago

Yes can I add the pic here?

7 years ago

yep upload it on a site

7 years ago

If you need someone else with more +rep to buy you stuff i am also available ;)

7 years ago

says the guy with negative 1

7 years ago

Well if you check his profile you will see that he is troll :P
He just gave away -rep for fun

7 years ago

Ok doing now

7 years ago

Hey anyway to see balance on phone in steam app if not you have to wait till I get home to use computer

7 years ago

screen shot of balance

7 years ago

Hi KuSh x420x, sorry for your loss. I'm letting you know that you were added by an impersonator / scammer.

This guy -> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960459881 was impersonating Tohka. He has been changing his name, profile picture, and description in order to look like other traders that have a high amount of rep. Yesterday he switched to like my friend and a couple of others that had +200 rep.

He was impersonating Norbi and switched to Tohka, (and has now switched to Ponxha).

Here you can see the profile difference: https://imgur.com/NiuiVB9/

If you clicked the Steam button on the steamgifts profile, you can see the real steam profile.

7 years ago

Wow that's some Bs right there ... he scammed me $85 not feeling very good right now

7 years ago

If you still have the chat open from when you talked to him, take a screenshot. Make a detailed description along with the screenshot of chat, and report to Steam. Also might want to copy/paste the report to http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197960459881

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.