I dont want Just Cause, older bundles, cards, or alan wake. Remember, seriously ask yourself if you yourself would want the game youre offering. If you wouldnt then what makes you think I would?

1 decade ago*

what makes you think , ppl will pay u 1 tf2 key/dota2 key (assuming your asking that) when they can buy it themselves for half the price a key ?

1 decade ago

Some people cant use a credit card, already traded 4 bundles for 4 keys on previous posts. BTW im just asking for offers not anything in specific

1 decade ago

Noble Hatter's Violet and Name Tag worth 1.3$ on Steam Market + 1 card or 1$ Amazon gift Card +2 cards for 1 non BTA humlbe deep silver bundle

1 decade ago

I love how you put the market value, plus $1 on Amazon!? LOL you look so desperate. Answers no

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.