As title suggests, 3 keys per Upgrade to premium gift.

Willing to entertain game and LoL skin offers.

1 decade ago*

I got some vintage items and some premium ones too
Can i PLZ PLZ have one upgrade to premium?
I really need one..

1 decade ago

Your items aren't worth anything near what I'm asking for. Sorry.

1 decade ago

Check my backpack, I have some Festives, Genuines, Strange, Strange-Festive n shit :P

1 decade ago

Feel free to make me an offer. Only interested in items I can resell easily such as gift wrap, black paint, ticket, some genuines etc

1 decade ago

Well, is there something from my Backpack you'd like for one copy ? :)

1 decade ago

Why not buy an item in store for 37cents using trial feature for premium upgrade?

At least be reasonable with what you got.

1 decade ago

That's exactly what I would do if I wanted premium. However, the going rate for an upgrade to premium tradable gift is 3 keys. Have a look on TF2Outpost and see the general prices for them if it bothers you. They will all be anywhere between 2.5 and 3 keys.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.