This Desura game was recently given way in the "Groupees - Give Back Bundle" if you purchased or were gifted a Groupees bundle in the past 12 months.

If you are able to provide a key, please let me know. I simply wish to try, and enjoy the game.

Thank you kindly for reading, and have a pleasant day. :)

9 years ago*

Just so you know : you can get SanctuaryRPG for free (it is a pay-whatever-you-feel-like title) from their website :

9 years ago

Ah-ha! I see. Many thanks for the heads up. :D
I'm downloading it. :)

9 years ago

HA! HA! HA! Upon finishing the tutorial, I encountered a Bull-like monster, and was trampled to death. XD

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.