Choose games from the list. Value of your choice: ~30€

Beasts of Prey 17.99€ Ace of Spades 11.99€ Minimum 9.99€ Verdun 21.50€ Primal Carnage: Extinction 19.99€ Gun Monkeys: 4.49€ Murder Miners: 1.99€ Last edited by

Want: 15€ PayPal / Grav
I am new here so it may be hard to trust, I understand that. So let me tell why I offer this deal: I got most of the games in bundles or in sales. Sometimes, I just needed three of four keys for me and my friends. That's why I have some nice games I can give away. I do this because I'm really hyped about a game called Grav. If you not trust me, you can buy the game and sell it to me using steam trading.

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.