I have...

More than enough TF2 keys (130+)
More than enough ref (140+)

I want...

Humble Bundle (or others) leftovers.

I'd obviously have to set some expectations, so here they are.
1 bundle leftover per ref.
15 leftovers per key.

This is just me, an inexperienced bundle leftover trader, telling you that I wish to hoard on those spare Humble Bundle leftovers you hold in your inventory for months, having no idea what to do with them. And believe me, I have no intention of keeping it. It will go to people who deserve it a lot more than me.

As for my prices, again, I've set them only for those who can let go of a few bundle keys a time. Of course, some of you would argue, "What are you doing? Are you high? That price is too low!" And I've got only one thing to say. I'm not here to trade my way up. I'm here to hoard them for a cause. If you can't support it, at least don't dish on it.

"Thanks, and have fun!" - Gabe Newell.

9 years ago

If this is your way of asking me to follow your pricing, I'm afraid you are finding the wrong guy. But Ill accept all bundle leftovers you can give for 1 ref each. Nothing more.

9 years ago

UPDATE. Bought 94 gift codes. Anyone else would care to add to the collection?

9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.