Hi, guys. Just thought I'd bring something up, Phoenix Wright style! :P

I'm relatively new to the site, but have had a lot of fun trading unwanted keys and helping people get bundles, etc. But one thing I've noticed is that some of the people I've dealt with have negative rep accusing them of scamming. Luckily, I'm not an ass-hat and check up on what happened, and 9 times out of 10, the user who sent the negative comment is the scammer and has been banned.

What I want to know is, why isn't there some way that the folks in charge can remove this negative "review" as it was obviously done out of spite from some scammer being caught out. I've seen other situations that are similar, but if a user has been banned for scamming, then it's a mute point, and their voice should not count.

My main thought is that I don't want to negatively comment on some lesser offenses sometimes, for fear that I too will get a negative rating and thus the trust that I've gathered so far would be wasted. I'm sure some of you guys feel the same.

So guys whaddya think? Agree, disagree, think this is a waste of a post? Should this be done? CAN it be done?

1 decade ago*

interesting, I will be watching in the shadows...

1 decade ago

ye well im agree, but i dont mind about my -1 negative rate from an scammer with -20+ negative rep, i dont think this makes any trouble on my future trades

anyway good point mate, +1!

1 decade ago

Luckily your ratio is 22/1, so most people will trust you anyway, but for someone else - it may stop certain people from dealing with them.

1 decade ago

Definitely agree with that, there should be some sort of moderator group that investigates on negative rep since the majority of those are given by a scammer itself for being exposed. I know that its not possible to go through every single vote, but at least that some people keep an eye on that stuff, because it can affect the traders badly.

1 decade ago

My -1 is cause of scammer and retarded guy. I cant do nothing :(

1 decade ago

See! Well, at least you've managed to get 164(!) positive reviews... rendering my arguement a little mute. But that does hang on there like a bad stain on an otherwise perfect suit, right? :P

1 decade ago

Agreed. My -1 has similar origins as UZuhl's, and others come after legit posts. I do think that the -1 on my profile, or anyone else with quite a bit of rep, actually marks the person who added it look bad. Really, I make it a point whe I tarde with someone to check on any negative rep. I usually use that as a way to expand my block list so I never deal with those people again.

Worst of all, I am seeing some people get butthurt after someone neg-reps them for bad offers or being a jerk and they respond by accusing the person of scamming. The saddest of all is when it happens to someone with relatively little rep here. A user who has been around for a long time could really screw over a new owner that way. Trading negatives is way worse for the newbie.

Hard for me to say because I only have posted neg rep for a single scam. I tend to think that is the only good reason to post neg rep.

1 decade ago

Yeah, there are some people who abuse the system, I've seen some traders get marked down simply for lowballing or rejecting offers. Whilst lowballing is kinda douchey, rejecting is part of the whole trade system - deal with it in the forums, you don't HAVE to trade with them. I'd only really give someone a negative review if they were A) Scamming, B) constantly spamming, or interupting, or C) Acting like a major douche about the trades. (Swearing, insults, badgering, etc). Luckily I haven't met anyone that deserves it... yet. Though the 87 Ravager codes guy was close... :P (Other people did it for me (Kinda felt sorry for the guy in the end!)

1 decade ago

Yeah, "Gang repping"seems like one way to really mark scammers. But then I worry about people abusing that. Still, a "Justice League" to gang rep scamers would be nice.

1 decade ago

It is neccesary, look my negative review ¬¬, he scam me, so i wrote a negative review to him, and he did the same to me. ¬¬''

1 decade ago

Yeah, that's why there should be someone that checks these. I know some people get banned/suspended, so why not get rid of their outbursts on other peoples comments. Though, I should say to all who ARE scammed, when putting a negative review on someones profile, makes sure you link to the evidence of what happened. Usually printscreens of what was said or the transaction results. That way it makes it easier to see who is the scammer.

1 decade ago

Me too, i got scammed explorer1ua and i reported him, he writed in my profile the same and MonsterXA i dont wanted to trade a game to him so he put me negative.

1 decade ago

Spite rep is horrible, makes you come off as untrustworthy.

1 decade ago

Im Weit 1 hr for answer and when he answered me "i traded mine game for tf2 items so bb" im say to him WTF thx for waste mine time so he give me -rep ...
Also when i see on mine profile -rep 2 mins ago so i give him too rep-
Im Say About him and u have short "talk " with him..

1 decade ago

Also i Have ScreenShots when i add him second time and try to remove (-rep)

First Second

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.