I have...

Far Cry primal (Uplay)
Rainbow six Siege (Uplay)
The Division (Uplay)
Or 28€ on Paypal

I want...

Total War: Warhammer

Only one game for Total war Warhammer, choose what ever you want, I can wait until Total War: Warhammer will be on sale

8 years ago*

and you are not willing to sell any of those games individually?

8 years ago

depends of what you can offer me

8 years ago

well, in the time it took you to respond to me, I bought two out of those 3 games alrdy

8 years ago

i understand, sorry, I was on holidays

8 years ago

Well, now I'm interested n FC: primal, granted, not as much as I was in the other two games

8 years ago

Hey, are you interested in HITMAN™ Full Experience 2016?

8 years ago

The Division, none of the wanted games but willing to trade any number of these


7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.