Hi. I'm currently dealing with a scammer. Here is their profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058158779/ . And this is the real users profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/mhmed009/ . First of all, can anyone who knows this user please make sure he knows this please and second of all, what should I do?

1 decade ago*

The first profile is a Scammer impersonator of second profile, thats is the real user. You never should trade with a impersonator scammer.

1 decade ago

Yep I know. I just don't know what to do. I know not to deal with them I just want to know where I should go from here. They contacted me and I want to get them banned.

1 decade ago

You always can send a report of the scammer in www.steamrep.com. You can make a post in Forum and almost he could be marked as scammer on this web, and all people can see it. Take a picture of bofth profiles and a picture of chat if contacted with him, and make a report.

1 decade ago

I'll go ahead and do that thanks.

1 decade ago

Don't trade with known scammers. Doing so may result you getting tagged for it by association and/or trade banned by Valve. It's best to remove them from your friends list and block them.

As far as impersonators, there's no much you can do. Block them off. If you really feel like doing the work report them on steamrep.

1 decade ago

Is there a way to get them banned?

1 decade ago

Probably not. Report to Valve via their Community profile if you want, but they rarely ban users for simple impersonation.

More to the point, it's useless. Most impersonator accounts are throwaways. They'll just make another.

1 decade ago

Hmm you have a point. I will file a complaint as you and the previous user suggested but yeah, probably won't do much at the end of the day.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.