Hey everyone, so let me begin by saying I am not sure whether or not you are allowed to sell off-Steam giftcards on here (I checked the rules but didn't see anything against it), so if this is against the rules, I apologize, and feel free to remove this post.

For my birthday, I got A LOT of iTunes gift cards from friends and family, and as much as I love music, I've already got a ton of credit on there, so I decided to try and trade them to anyone with an extra Steam card or two. :)

I have a set of 3 iTunes giftcards worth $10 each, so I would exchange 2 of these giftcards for one $20 Steam card (we would exchange the codes online, and I will give you the first code in exchange for some collateral, then you give me the Steam card code, and I will give you the final code and your collateral back.

I also have a $25 iTunes giftcard, which I will also possibly exchange for a $20 Steam card, but for that one, I would like to recieve the Steam card first. If you don't trust me enough based on my reputation, just don't do the trade, as these are my conditions.

Also, I will ONLY trade with people who have a high reputation on here, as I want someone I can trust will follow through with their side of the trade.

Thanks everyone, I look forward to trading with you soon.

P.S.: Again, if this is against the rules, please leave a reply telling me (so that I know) and remove the post. Thanks!

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.