I have...

446 Dota2 items

I want...

100$ paypal

Going to quit it i guess :x
Here's a link of my Dota2 inventory:

7 years ago*

$51.01 with market value with this tool

7 years ago

I have some items that worth more in market, you just have to search manually,
Like this one http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/570/Unusual%20Dreaded%20Greevil?filter=Aura
And some players fake it with rewriting the description

7 years ago

You have +3k hours of Dota2, you should know that :x

7 years ago

I never paid much attention to items, but I know you can rename them (and often they sell less when renamed). I just glanced through your inventory but I didn't think it was really worth $100. I mostly only played or spectated Dota instead of anything else to do with it, though.

7 years ago

they are worth half the price

7 years ago

I have some items that worth more in market, you just have to search manually,
Like this one http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/570/Unusual%20Dreaded%20Greevil?filter=Aura
And some players fake it with rewriting the description

7 years ago

You're probably gonna have to supply a complete list of which items are worth more than market to get this sold.

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.