I have...

Team Fortress 2 keys

I want...

1.79$ via PayPal

Sock: 45 keys


  • You will go first (unless you have a pretty decent REP).
  • You have to have a Steam account that is trustworthy (more info on my Steam profile).
  • If you have small amount of rep I can sell you only 5 keys at once.

PayPal related rules

  • You must be verified and you will send as "to family or friends"
  • You pay all the fees if any applies
  • You will add this note: "This transaction is sent as a payment for virtual item I bought from Hard Boomer (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065427243). I agree that I cannot refund and that I'm committed to the fact that any fees or charges during our exchange will be of my responsibility."

Comment here before you add me

9 years ago*

Do you think you can come down to $1.80

if so id take 10+

9 years ago

i can buy all of your keys at 1.45 euro each if interested

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.