Single gift = 4 keys

Nights into Dreams = 2 keys

1 decade ago*

How much for insurgency in pp if I also give 1 key?

1 decade ago

Deus Ex Human Revolution DC (Steam Gift) for Tomb Rayder GOTY?

1 decade ago

no ty

1 decade ago

Interested in anything here for any of the games?

1 decade ago

one of every steam key for insurgency cause those are handfuls for one dollar.

1 decade ago

You mean one key of all the games I have?

1 decade ago

your shit costs one dollar for a dozen keys.... ha!

1 decade ago

Yeah, another one......good luck......
Don't want to spend my time answering to someone like you...........

1 decade ago

another one cause we all know how you try to pawn off 15 cent games for gifts worth 100 times more.

1 decade ago

Yeah, right. Besides it looks like the game you have now is worth millions. And you talk really like you known me for ages :. Good luck with it

1 decade ago

No I don't know you and no noting I said claimed to know you. But when you say "another one" with my reaction is because the bundles you buy for a buck, are not worth way more afterwards. Not just because you spent a dollar, its because the game keys are hard to keep track of and retrade. because the original buyer might loose track, also middle men might lose track or what codes were used and what not. Leaving the end user stuck without a key code and the last to trade it off left with the blame of why it doesn't work. leading to -rep, less trust, possible reports, all negative, all bad. So good luck with YOU on trying to resell those keys for more then 33 cents per key.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.