Min buy, 20 Keys.
Selling Keys: 1,50€
Selling Csgo keys (Phoenix key): 1,50€
Selling Refined Metal: 0,30€


Keys in Stock.....44 Tf2 Keys, 3 Csgo Keys
Refs in Stock..... 3 Refined metal.

(More info. about me)

Steam Rep.: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198029786624

Steam Db: https://steamdb.info/calculator/?player=76561198029786624


  1. You must have a verified paypal account, only taking payments through paypal.

  2. You will always go first

  3. You must send the money as a "friend / family" transaction type.

  4. You must pay all fees

  5. Message paypal note. I am purchasing virtual items in Team Fortress 2, and will not issue a chargeback or dispute under any circumstances. I recognize that all sales are final, and not refundable

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.