I have...

csgo keys

I want...

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

I want 2 copies for Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide to play with my friend.
It is on humble bundle currently - BTA tier.
I got csgo keys, so let me know what you want for it.

Edit: Bought 1. 1 to go.

Edit 2: I Need one more copy for another of my friends. So still looking to buy a copy of the game.

7 years ago*

I can buy you two copies, If you are paying lil extra then bta price.

7 years ago

BTA will buy you 6 games. I only want one of them. I'm not looking to pay even more than the BTA for the game.

7 years ago

I have a single copy if you are interested (gift link or key). 2 keys or 1 key + some sort of sweetener.

7 years ago

Tried to find you online mate, but it seems like we are on at opposite times.
I ended up getting the key elsewhere. Thanks for the offer though :)

7 years ago

have gift link for 2 keys

7 years ago

I have gift link for Vermintide. Add me if interested.

7 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.