Apart from the base game (Special Edition) you will also be getting Tropico 4 and Omerta: City of Gangsters.
If you already have them on your account you will get giftable copies. The 1st DLC "The Big Cheese" will be free as well for those who activated the preorder.

The person who opens the 4pack will also receive three more Tropico 4 and Omerta: City of Gangsters which I will required to be returned along with the 3 extra copies of tropico 5

I have Tropico 5 4-pack + Preorder Bonuses and am looking to split opening the package for 5 TF2/CSGO keys each 4-pack + collateral.

I'll give preference to people with lots of reps and games on steam profile for opening this 4pack.


Opening Tropico 5 4-pack + Preorder Bonuses for 5 TF2/CSGO keys each 4-pack + collateral

1) 5 TF2/CSGO keys and collateral for each of the 4 pack (Please add me to discuss what collateral may be, I may also take other steam gift games you may have as collateral)

2) If you have excellent trading rep history with lots of reps AND a respectable Steam account I may do it without collateral, but I reserve the right to decide so.

3) You CANNOT already have Space Engineers in your Steam library

4) You MUST have bought something from steam store more than 30 days ago, or the extra copies will become non-tradable You are able to unpack the 4-pack, it will show like this http://i.imgur.com/odUbPpE.jpg (Picture found in the internet) If it shows like this http://i.imgur.com/nXTCSbt.jpg, the extra copies will not be trade-able How does it work?

1) I will give you Space Engineers 4-pack gift and you give me 16 keys per each 4-pack as a collateral

2) You then activate the 4-pack in your inventory, and soon after will receive the 3 extra gift copies of the games in your library

3) Finally you will trade me those 3 copies and I will give back your collateral.

Please post here before adding me on Steam so I will know who you are and why you are adding me for.

1 decade ago*

do u sell 4 pack?

1 decade ago

Nope sorry I do not.

1 decade ago

5 tf key for tropico 5 gift + bonus ?

1 decade ago

Hi, 5tf2 keys for Tropico 5 and bonuses add me if u want...

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

sent request! hopefully you add me soon :)
also bump.

1 decade ago

Added you to discuss regarding Tropico 5.

1 decade ago

Added for Tropico

1 decade ago

Sorry guys had been away for a few days and didn't check here sooner.

I have accepted all who have added me.

Thank you

1 decade ago


1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.