Cash in your unwanted iTunes and App Store gift cards.

I will pay in TF2 keys.

I live in the UK, so they will need to be valid here.

I expect you to go first. I have been trading on steam for years, and have many pages of perfect rep on my profile including many trades where the other user went first. I also have a decent amount of rep on the official steam forums, perfect steamrep, etc...

My steam profile can be found here:

Add me directly for fastest trade.

I'm offering 3 keys for every £5, so:

£5 card = 3 keys
£10 card = 6 keys
£15 card = 9 keys
£20 card = 12 keys

Keys are currently trading for around £1 each ($1.60), I believe prices are fair considering you are guaranteed a safe trade with me.

I'm currently interested in buying around £25 worth of credit. I'll buy any amounts up to this. I'll update and bump the thread when I need more. I will buy keys when trades are decided, so please be patient.

If we trade, please leave feedback here and on my steam profile and I'll do the same for you.


1 decade ago*

Interested in a $20 gift card?

1 decade ago

I would be were you able to redeem them in the UK store. :(

1 decade ago

Added. We could always try. :)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.