Looking for the operation arrowhead Humble Gift in return for my: 1 tf2 key, Terraria gift, and either: Dead space origin key/ crysis 2 origin key/ Sanctum 2 HB gift.

Add me on steam to discuss/trade! :)

1 decade ago*


Garry's Mod
Magicka + 2 DLC
Orcs Must Die GOTY
FTL: Faster than Light
Serious Sam 3




Add me if you're interested ;)

1 decade ago

Terraria is a steam gift which would equal At least 2 HB gifts :P

1 decade ago

Not if you pay more than the average for getting some games, but I don't remember if one of these was BTA. I'm just trading one game for another. There's no active bundles of the games I offered, that's the key ;)

But by your same law if you get 4-pack of terraria you get 4 games for the price of 3. That means that if you trade the 4ยบ of them you're trading a free game? Clearly not hahaha.

Just offering spare games, thanks anyway ;)

1 decade ago

want Terraria and i have a big list of games, interested?

1 decade ago

I have Arma II and Arma OA if you are still up for the deal!

1 decade ago

Okay im up for Arma OA, add me :)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.