Hello everyone, I would like a little bit of assistance converting these games values to TF2 keys so I know how much I would need to get to trade for them all. the list is as follows:
Prince of Persia 2 thrones
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
Brothers in Arms Collection
Beyond Good and Evil (not the HD edition)
Far Cry 3
Splinter Cell Echelon Elite edition (has 1, chaos theory, double agent and conviction deluxe)
H.A.W.X 2
Vegas 2
Splinter Cell Blacklist

please note: I do not care if they are uplay or steam gifts/keys, I simply want to know what the key value would be (in other words, if they are on uplay, which one would cost me the least keys). thanks

1 decade ago*

people don't really trade uplay games unless they're keys from amd/nvidia promos, so the only ones there are Far Cry 3 and Splinter Cell Blacklist. I think you'd be looking at about 2 or 3 keys for Far Cry 3 and 4 or 5 for Blacklist. Both have since been on sale on Steam so you may find similar prices for the Steam versions anyway.

For the Steam games, take a look on this traders site, it values games from the Russian steam store, which is generally the cheapest store. rash Usually most traders will round up to the nearest key though so if a price on that site says 3 keys 4 ref, expect it to go for 4 keys with most other traders.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.