Hi, I got a gold code to redeem 3 games and decided to get Saints Row 4 + Thief but I have one game left to choose and since I already own the ones I like I decided to trade the last one for something.

I can get you ONE of the games in the title for your offer. I accept TF2 keys, trading cards and stuff from my wishlist as payment and I'm OK selling the game at 75% off of its steam price so if you want the game now instead of waiting for a sale then feel free to post here and tell me your offer. You can mix different items in your offer (1 TF2 key + cards for example).

NOTE: Deus Ex Human Revolution is the version that was removed from the store, not the director's cut! Perfect for you if you're a game collector :P

Also trading my Sonic All-star Transformers KEY for 2 TF2 keys.

Please don't add me for neither of the games, just post here and I'll add you if I like your offer.

1 decade ago*

How much cards for deus ex.

1 decade ago

anything worth around 5 dollars in total.

1 decade ago

Will you accept Warhammer 40K Dawn of War GOTY for Deus ex.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.