I have...

BUFF.163 balance
Paris 2023 Mirage Souvenir Package

I want...

TF2 keys
Uncraftable Tour of Duty Ticket

3% fee

Please add me https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198226529364

I only have this one steam account, PLEASE BE CAREFUL OF SCAMMERS ! ! ! !

How to buy BUFF.163 balance from me?

STEP 1: You should have USDT or TF2 keys or Uncraftable Tour of Duty Ticket

STEP 2: Give me USDT or TF2 keys or Uncraftable Tour of Duty Ticket

STEP 3: After I received , give me the QR code for the Alipay top-up

STEP 4: I will scan the QR code and pay

STEP 5: Finished!

Optional STEP: Sometimes, Due to the risk control system by Alipay. I have to login into your buff account for the QR code generation

1 year ago*

Closed 10 months ago.