I have...
I want...

Paypal 1.85 usd per tf2 key, i would prefer that you purchase all 32 tf2 keys unless you give good price.

my paypal region is canada, which means if you are from canada or your name is XYUSoma you do not have to pay any paypal fees.

Feel free to add me on steam only after posting a comment on here. I will respond to you much faster if you do so.

Triple check that the steam account you are trading with is this one: https://steamcommunity.com/id/jayden000001/

if you are not trading with that steam account you will be scammed. I will not add you without responding to your post. I am not responsible for any losses that were caused by an impersonator adding you.

all bumps were done by a real human, not a bot.


join my steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/CHINGWAHMEDIAGROUP

3 years ago*

Closed 10 months ago.