Auction style, give me your best offer on your bundle games. I know that you know that I know you've been holding on to your less than stellar bundle games for a year are more. lol I'll take those games off your hands for a reasonable price if said game drops cards. If it's a game I'm not going to play, a majority of them, I'll give you 2 cards for each game. If it's a decent game, best deal someone gives me. :) Go 1 refined = 2 junk hb games you don't want to deal with anymore that drop cards. :)

9 years ago*

Anyone who has spare games that drop cards could easily create a steam account and get the cards off that game.
If you pay 2 cards it means you're actually making a profit off of it.
So basically you're expecting people to take their time, come to you, offer you the games, so you can make a profit. That's...ambitious.

9 years ago

Not everyone wants to make a second account for some cards...and bandwidth limits nowadays. Of course I'm trying to profit, I only want the cards. lol I'm not hiding that fact. I think most of the bundle games are junk with a gem here and there. Basically they're paying 1 card for the convenience. :) TBH I'm a little tired of people overvaluing their bundle games that are in reality worth about .20 cents. 1 dollar 5 games = .20

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.