Hi guys,
I have the following games:

Little Inferno (HIB link)
Pid (key)
Interstellar Marines (gift)
Hero of the Kingdom (key)
Avencast Rise of the Mage (key)
Restaurant Empire II (key)
Frozen Hearth (key)
LOVE (Key)
Shad'O (Key)

I'm basically interested in games I don't own (here's MY WISHLIST) but I'm opened to suggestions.

However, the list is a little bit outdated, I'll clean it up a little.

1 decade ago*

any 1 of these gifts for interstellar marines

Faire solitaire gift

Gun monkeys Gift

Areena clash of champions gift

Super sanctum td gift

1 decade ago

Thanks for your offer but I already have Faire Solitaire and Aerena and I am not really interested in the other 2.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.