
  • 6x D2 key
  • 17x TF2 key

TF2 - 1,90$/1,41€
D2 - 1,85$/1,37€

You can pay as "friends and family" so you don't have to pay fees.

Write this in the message box:
"This is a payment for virtual items in the Team Fortress 2 online game. Physical shipment is not required. I understand that this is a non-refundable transaction and promise to not charge back. [write your steamID64 here].".

Add me for quick trade

1 decade ago*

I can't pay as friends and family since I am in China.Can you sell me TF2 KEYS @1.93 including fees?

1 decade ago

we could work out a trade I guess. added you

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.