I have...

4 TF2 Key
Sacks of Gems

I want...

Star Wars FULL bundle from HumbleBundle

I offer a total of 7 TF2 Key in items for the full Star Wars bundle from HumbleBundle, I have 4 TF2 Keys and the rest of the items I'll pay in Sacks of Gems (valued actually on $0.70 each).

I don't go first, I go first only if you have lot of rep or if I can check if you are reliable.
If you don't have any problem to go first, then add me for trade :)

My profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/nachorc18/


9 years ago*

I buy the bundle for 4 TF2 Key + 11 Sacks. Thanks ! I close this :)

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.