
The user "Dynamole" - http://www.steamtrades.com/user/dynamole - offered a key for 'Borderlands 2 Key' + 'Don't Starve Gift' trading for 'GTA Complete Pack'. After we enchange gifts, he sent me a key that doesn't work.

I told him right away, but he block communication with me - he is online now, as I write.

He just has positive rep here, but he just blocked after the deal.

So please, bump this thread, and let the comunnity knows about this scammer.

I'm also reporting him on SteamRep.

Thanks for your attention.

1 decade ago*

Did he block you or is he just not accepting your FR?

1 decade ago

I don't know. You are the only one to give him negative rep. He has 29 positive to your 1.

Maybe he gave you the wrong key?

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

No, that's not what happened. I told him as soon as I tested, 30s after it, and he just reply with a "lol". 10 minutes later he blocked me.

He added me on Steam before the trade - we exchange gifts, remember? - and then deleted me and blocked communication with me. He is probably online now.

1 decade ago

Looks like you have been fooled into thinking that was him. I just searched Dynamole in steam and look what i found.
This guy is impersonating the real Dynamole and you probably fell for it.

The real Dynamole profile is this one. You always need to check if the Steamtrades profile is the one you are adding.

1 decade ago

Has anyone told Dynamole that he has a impersonator

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.