I have...



I've got a copy of DEFORMERS from a limited GameStop promotion awhile back. The key expires on 5/31, so I figured I’ll leave this open for about 4 days and just go with the most appealing offer around Sunday.

Small caveat: Not sure what type of offers to expect with mostly bundle-filler lists around, so I ought to clarify that if none of the offers are very interesting, I might value it as a gift for a friend more. (In truth I would’ve already done a whitelist giveaway at SteamGifts if I was sure the CV might not get retroactively changed to 0 like a month from now). On the flipside, I could end up ending things prematurely for some offer I can’t refuse. Though barring mafia intervention, the odds of that seem incredibly unlikely.


  • MSRV at $30, lowest sale at $20
  • when submitting any offer, please keep in mind that the market value of anything is whatever someone out there would willingly pay.
  • for price comparison, there’s currently a copy on g2a for around $20 and one on kinguin for around $25
  • First time I've done this sort of thing; to make things easier l'll pop by to help identify intriguing offers or (at least) specify which are entirely cold.


  • PAYPAL Is always easiest, but I’m fine dealing with CSGO/TF2/CAR keys. The medium of exchange isn’t a particularly big deal.
  • My WISHLIST is pretty thourough, though a few things might be outdated.
  • With BARTER, I almost certainly want UNOWNED games, likely UNBUNDLED ONES at that.
  • If you only trade your old bundled games then you’re at a big disadvantage (massively so if they’re from this last year) and shouldn't bother unless paired with a number of other (wishlist) games

In fact...
I can clear up MANY options by saying that I don’t want/need any Humble Monthly games since basically June, aside from maybe "The Forest" or"ARK" (assuming monthly keys activate both “Survival Evolved” and “Survival of the Fittest”).

That’s actually a pretty good place to start: anything ‘lesser’ than either of those really isn’t worth considering to me by itself. That should help shave off some time for everyone, at least establishing some baseline for offers.

I prefer to be straight forward in everything, and don’t want to spend my time scouring your list, making you offers, discussing things over chat, or responding to anything I took the time to explain here.
Similarly, I believe in full disclosure: I did get this key for free. If that’s somehow particularly relevant information for you, then please note the current prices and consider the promotion was (1) exclusive to PowerUp members, (2) limited geographically, requiring physical access to a US GameStop store or preexisting PU account, and (3) ended long ago, and been inactive for weeks while all existing codes expire on May 31st.
Additionally, from what I remember it activates as “deformers for beta testing” when used; however, it is the full version (a common occurrence with prerelease keys). I have activated a key from the same source, but you can also easily verify this information by searching google for all the discussion reguarding this promo on reddit awhile back.

7 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.