I have...

What is a reasonable price?

I have TF2 items, and some stream gifts. Although, I'm not quite sure about where the market stands on this item.

I want...

Project Zomboid for personal use.

It's been ages since I've traded anything. I have some TF2 items which have been sitting in my back pack for a long time. If you're not able to trade, thank you for your time and interest.

8 years ago*

Highest cut recorded for this game was 40% off ($8.99) 10months ago, i can bet no one is gona give you this game at this price :)

8 years ago

Oh I see. What would be a respectable offer for the game at $8.99 and at $14.99? Thank you for the heads up. : )

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.