
I have:

Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY- 2 ref

The rest are 4 games for 2 ref.

GT Legends

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars


Trainz Simulator: Murchison 2

These are all from bundles so I have keys/HB links (all for Steam).

Games, make me an offer! Or prices as marked

Note: Since I'm a new, I am more than willing to trade first most of the time. However, if you have a private Steam profile or have negative/no feedback, I'd prefer if you went first. Anyway, thanks for reading!

1 decade ago*

anything here for fear2,3?

1 decade ago

How about Civilization 5 or Mark of the Ninja?

1 decade ago

still interested in those 2 games?:)

1 decade ago

added on steam to discuss

1 decade ago

Bastion and FTL: Faster than Light for Batman Arkham City?

1 decade ago

Sorry, just traded it! Thanks though.

1 decade ago

Mirror's edge, Limbo, Mark of Ninja, Dead Space, Anodyne any for Scribblenauts Unlimited?

1 decade ago

Sorry, already traded it. Thanks though!

1 decade ago

it isn't nice to trade games bought from charity. www.humblebundle.com for those who doesn't want to be ripped off

1 decade ago

Not sure if you read my whole post but I clearly wrote that it was from a bundle so not sure how I'm ripping people off. Also, whether I trade the games or not, the money I spent will still be going to that charity.

1 decade ago

you are making profit by buying cheaply and trading for full price games. that is wrong. and that is ripoff.

1 decade ago

Wow, okay 1) Not sure why you are picking a fight with me when there are A LOT of other threads of people trading Humble Bundle games to argue with. Go take your pick. 2) Once again, I clearly wrote that these are all games from bundles. If people can read and still want to trade, then there is no problem because, like I had said before (two times now) I wrote EXACTLY where these are from. 3) A trade is a mutually beneficially arrangement. I am not ripping people off or false advertising what I have to trade. When a trade is made, both parties understand what is being traded. How is that me ripping people off?

1 decade ago

Aye, honestly there's over 1000 threads that contain humblebundle sellers. This guy is even willing to let it all go for $2.49 USD of a frigging Dota 2 key or TF2 Key. I suggest you go hate on someone else.

1 decade ago

Thanks dude. :)

1 decade ago

I can hate everyone at the same time, I don't have problem with that.

1 decade ago

Not sure if you realize this but let me make this abundantly clear so you can stop wasting your time freaking out over nothing. 1)Whoever gets a game from me knows that it came from a bundle (hopefully the 4th time is the charm with you but I'm not holding my breath) 2)All of the games I have received for trades have also been from BUNDLES or were discounted to the point where it was worth trading for one of my games. Because you know, you buy a bundle, may not want all of the games so you trade it to someone who does. There, have some free knowledge. Hope it helps and have a great day. :)

1 decade ago

buying from discount is different then buying from charity. I hope you realize that. you are making PROFIT from charity. that means you are not DONATING money you are BUYING games for super cheap. that is already wrong. honestly I have games from those bundles and I could easily sell it to people who have no idea what HB is even if I told them that it is from HB it doesn't make it right. why would someone trade even 2$ game for 1 game when they can get 4 games for 1$ or even better? there is no logic there, through that isn't your fault fools should be fooled I think. got games from charity for super cheap? give them away if you ask me. anyways let's end this stupid discussion you know you are wrong and I know you are wrong. you think about it and well do whatever you want.

1 decade ago

Dude, this is getting ridiculous. You are literally making shit up to get angry at and while that it totally hilarious, it's getting to ludicrous levels. I am NOT making a profit. You do realize that I traded those games from the Humble Bundle for other peoples games from bundles(often other Humble Bundles that I didn't get a chance to get)/games they got for free. They are not trading a $2 game for 4 games for $1; they are trading games they also got really cheap for games I got really cheap. I don't know how else to spell that out to you because you clearly are having some trouble using logic to come to a reasonable conclusion. Here is an example to illustrate my point (and plus, the kids I tutor like examples so maybe it'll help you): I traded Fear2/3 for Civ5. I got Fear2/3 for cheap; the person I traded with probably got it for free. If that is called making a profit, I suggest you never major in econ in college because you are just a lost cause in that respect. I am not fooling anyone; everyone I have traded with knows that I got these games for cheap- they adjust their offer accordingly (Scroll up and down this page and see if you can find a non-bundle offer/not free game offer...CUZ YOU CAN'T). I am not expecting extremely high offers- only games from other bundles that people don't want- which are valued at pretty much the same since we paid pretty much the same. CHARITY IS NOT BEING HARMED. Get over yourself and your preachy attitude because it is unwarranted, annoying, and just plain stupid.

1 decade ago

I am totally calm unlike you. you capitalist.

1 decade ago

Because I tend to flip out when I am faced with such dumbfuckery. Sorry, no other word to describe it. I can't believe the number of times I've had to repeat myself and you still can't get the point. Please, please tell me you are 5 years old because this is just sad.

1 decade ago

And also, NONE OF THESE GAMES WERE FOR 4 FOR $1. I beat the bundle average for every bundle I buy and I tend to add a little extra because I know that I am still getting a good deal. Get off your high horse and learn some goddamn logic. It's time to go back to school son because my attempt to teach you how to come to logical conclusions for free is over.

1 decade ago

Interested in fear3, Lotr, K&M and maybe Rune. Have steam keys: Eets, Greed: Black Border, Iron Grip: Marauders $10 in-game credit, March of War $10 in-game credit, Obulis, Puzzle Agent. Anything interest you?

1 decade ago

How about Eets and Obulis for LOTR and K&M? Or LOTR and Rune?

1 decade ago

added you, also keen on ets.

1 decade ago

still interested in fear 3?

1 decade ago

yeah but not wise to hijack others thread

1 decade ago

True, but it seems that he only was keend on giving you all you wanted, without fear 3. It's your choice if you want to trade with me or not.

1 decade ago

I want to buy Rune and Crusader Kings for metal. Added you

1 decade ago

Thanks for the trade!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.