Hi there, most people would turn away reading this next bit but I'm fucking desperate. I thought I had about $400 left in my paypal account but today when I went to get the dawn of War anthology my account was empty. I remember transferring some cash out of there but I didn't think it was $400. anyway I'm desperate for this game and I've never begged before but if there's anyone who could buy it for me, you will permanently be known as being fucking awesome! it's $4.98 in Australia, because of the THQ sale. I have a good habit of gifting games to people on my friends list so the person who does this will more then likely get another game in return over the next month or two. I know there will be people who are going to probably report me for begging but I don't care.

1 decade ago*

awesomeness would disaapear before the game is installed, if this was a perfect world sratching backs, eye 4 eye i would get it for you but unfortunately its not the case, good luck free bump

1 decade ago

btw where is the anthology for 4.99? i was just checking but cant find it

1 decade ago

I can buy it for you in advance, and when you finish paypal transfer, you can pay me back.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.