I have the BTA key from the deep silver humble bundle would like 3 tf2 keys however will take offers, thanks.
Edit: added Metro 2033, Risen and Sacred Citadel for trade.

1 decade ago*

something here? http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/3038f/h-games-w-offers remember these were cheap a bit ago so dont be a prick and think they are worth retail right now because they arent :)

1 decade ago

Sorry, I purchased the origin bundle and the other games dont interest me. However I will take £3.90 (about $5.85 I think) worth of tf2 items if it interests you?
Well £3.90 worth of any items dota 2, tf2 or any other marketable things

1 decade ago

Updated Offers

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.