I have...

Sacks of Gems

I want...

CS:GO Keys

Hi. Change each 4 Sacks of Gems for 1 CS:GO Key. I can buy many Sacks of Gems to buy many keys.

If your think this is a bad deal, think this:
1 Sack of Gem = $0.65, with steam fees $0.58
$0.58 * 4 Sacks = $2.32
If you sell a CS:GO Key valued on $2.60, you receive $2.27, so you win c: or if you want the Gems for other things, you win anyways, no? c:

If you don't have CS:GO Keys but have TF2 Keys, you'll need to add 1 Ref for TF2 Key.

Add me for trade: http://steamcommunity.com/id/nachorc18/

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.