
A guy Just add me acting like another person, he want to steal me some games and dota itens. The user copy the profile picture and name of a good reputation user

The SCAMMER profile link is

The talk was this:

OllieD: hi

M.Medeiros: hi...

OllieD: you remember me?

M.Medeiros: sorry, I dont remmember


M.Medeiros: oh...

OllieD: you still want it?

M.Medeiros: I still want but I don't have the games that I offered anymore :(

OllieD: you got dota 2 rare items?

M.Medeiros: I have a lot of dota 2 itens

M.Medeiros: feel free to choose what you want

M.Medeiros: I have 2 compelt sets

M.Medeiros: Drow sylvan set and bounty hunter cut throat set

M.Medeiros: both rare sets

OllieD: good

OllieD: can add this and the club?


OllieD: no i dont want the club :P

OllieD: only that

M.Medeiros: I can give you the 2 full sets + all rares I have at moment for the bf3

OllieD: mmmm

OllieD: it's a good offer

M.Medeiros: I sure it is, I hate lowballs

M.Medeiros: hehehe

OllieD: haha

OllieD: mmmm

OllieD: okay

M.Medeiros: your bf3 is ROW right?

OllieD: yes

M.Medeiros: can you give me a second please?

OllieD: okay

M.Medeiros: Sorry man But we can't trade

OllieD: for what?

M.Medeiros: I just discovery that you are not who you telling you are, i'm sad to discovery that some guys go so far to scamm another players

M.Medeiros: Copying the picture and name of a good man only to scam another people... So sad

1 decade ago*


1 decade ago


1 decade ago

If everybody enter in his profile (the scammer of course) and report him on the right side of the steam page will help to give him some thinks to worry about.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

nice catch... lucky you found out before things got worst...
What did the scammer said when you found out?

1 decade ago

Nothing, he just leave... I paste here all that was said

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.